Land Mobile Radio and Public Networks

RF Interconnect Solutions for Land Mobile Radio and Public Networks

Municipal leaders and public safety officials must perform a wide range of duties, from overseeing the affairs of community government to responding to public safety emergencies that impact the well-being of residents and visitors. Underpinning the wide assortment of the tasks these agencies face is a robust, safety-critical land mobile radio and public networks powered by RF technology. This includes dedicated state and local government networks, federal networks, public safety networks, mobile communications networks, and much more. At the end of the day, these are simply not just standard networks, they absolutely must be high-performance and reliable which requires mission-critical RF interconnect solutions specifically designed to address the needs of each unique application.

As a longtime partner to state and federal agencies along with every type of first responder organization, we are intimately familiar with the needs of our end-users in the field. Our team designs low-loss, dependable, robust, and user-friendly coaxial cable assemblies that support stationary, mobile, and portable devices. This includes field terminated cable assemblies that blend a malleable design for on-the-fly adjustments without compromising strength and resiliency. Easy-style connectors that eliminate as many variables from the termination process as possible allow technical teams to spend less time setting up networks and more time helping to keep constituents safe. In addition, our solutions frequently outlast competing products all while being exposed to harsh environmental conditions, from UV rays to chemical substances.

And while first responders and emergency management agencies have historically responded from the confines of a centralized, physical location, this aspect of their work lives is changing. Mobile command units are increasingly putting officials at ground zero of a crisis, from severe weather to public safety incidents. Our coaxial cable assemblies are used in emergency response networks stationed in the heart of a hurricane or the scene of a mass casualty event—environments that demand seamless setup and instant-on communications to ensure every life is protected and response teams can deploy immediately.

Trust in Times

For more than 70 years, our company has been committed to innovation, quality, and the development of new products for demanding applications. Today, Times Microwave is deeply involved in federal programs like First Net, a dedicated first responder network, to help ensure state and local emergency response teams are equipped with the highest performance communications tools. With our decades-long track record of proven success in the field, we are proud that our coaxial cable solutions help to enable first responders and municipal agencies to focus on doing what they do best: serving the public in times of need.

